There may be clear-cut answers in life.

But when those answers are hard to find, our minds are left troubled and vexed.


Though many times, there may be definite answers, there are also times that no one can give an answer, and also times when anyone can give an answer.


In Greek mythology, Icarus is known as a failure.

Icarus and his father, Daedalus, made wings to escape the Labyrinth. Daedalus warned him not to fly too close to the sun, but Icarus did not follow the advice; and while flying too high, the wax melted and the wings fell apart, so Icarus fell into the sea and died.


The lesson commonly taught with this story is a warning against conceit, arrogance, and challenging authority. Daedalus, however, also warned not to fly too low. He could fall into the water because the wings could get wet.


Generally, we feel that flying low is ‘safe’.

So we come to terms with lower expectations and modest dreams, believing that they are safer; but that makes us bent on avoiding risks. Also, we believe that obeying authority places us in a safe zone where nothing goes wrong. This is because if we don’t waste efforts on thinking ourselves and just follow orders, we can fly closest to the water without flapping our wings.


As society changes, however, what we believe to be a safe zone also gradually changes. Therefore, like Icarus, we need the courage and innovation to fly high.


One must fly higher, by breaking free from the comfort and bubble that he has made, to overcome his limitations and achieve change and success for himself.

In order to do this, one must know oneself well. You must know where you are, what you believe is safe, what you believe is the answer, and what it is that you want.


Meditation is helpful in finding your self.

Through self-reflection, you can find the path that you seek. Instead of answers that others give, you will find your own direction and exciting answers.


Moreover, meditation clears out the garbage in your mind and thus helps in finding direction and answers that you want.

As you clean out the garbage from your mind, one by one, you will realize your own strengths and cultivate your ability to make your own choices and find your own answers instead of relying on others’ decisions and answers.


We all have a line that we’ve drawn within our minds. ‘This is weird’, ‘this is normal’, etc. We try to stay within those lines and are afraid to cross them.


These lines within your mind block you from growing and trap you in your bubble so that you can’t change.



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